Relationships are the threads that weave the fabric of our lives. They shape who we are, how we see the world, and how we interact with others. Yet, for many of us, these relationships can become entangled in unhealthy patterns—repeating cycles of misunderstanding, conflict, and pain. It’s as if we’re stuck in a script that we didn’t write but keep replaying, over and over again. Cognitive Analytic Therapy (CAT) offers a way to rewrite that script, transforming the way we relate to others and to ourselves.

The Burden of Old Scripts

Imagine walking through life carrying an invisible script—a set of roles and responses that dictate how you interact with the world. This script was written long before you had a say in it, shaped by your early experiences, relationships, and the ways you learned to cope with the challenges you faced.

For Sarah, a 38-year-old woman, her script involved always being the peacemaker. Growing up in a family where conflict was explosive, Sarah learned to smooth things over, to put others’ needs before her own, and to avoid confrontation at all costs. As an adult, this script played out in her relationships. She became the one who kept the peace, even when it meant sacrificing her own happiness. Over time, this left her feeling invisible, resentful, and disconnected from her true self.

Then there’s Mark, a 42-year-old man who found himself trapped in a script of self-reliance. Raised in an environment where vulnerability was seen as weakness, Mark learned to shut down his emotions, to rely only on himself, and to keep others at a distance. While this script helped him survive his childhood, it became a barrier to forming deep, meaningful connections as an adult. Mark’s relationships were marked by emotional distance, and despite his desire for closeness, he struggled to let anyone in.

These old scripts are not merely habits—they are powerful, deeply ingrained patterns that can feel impossible to break. They dictate how we respond to others, how we see ourselves, and ultimately, how our relationships unfold.

The Promise of Cognitive Analytic Therapy

Cognitive Analytic Therapy is a transformative approach that helps individuals recognize and rewrite these old scripts. It’s a journey of self-discovery and change, where the therapist and client work together to explore the patterns that keep the old script in place and to develop new ways of relating that are healthier, more authentic, and more fulfilling.

The Process of Rewriting Your Script

CAT typically involves three phases: Reformulation, Recognition, and Revision—each a crucial step in the process of rewriting the script of your relationships.

1. Reformulation: Understanding the Script

In the reformulation phase, the therapist helps the client identify the problematic patterns that make up their script. This phase is about making sense of the roles and responses that have shaped the client’s interactions and understanding how these patterns developed.

For Sarah, this meant exploring her role as the peacemaker and how it originated from her need to protect herself from the chaos of her childhood. Through reformulation, Sarah began to see how this script had taken over her adult relationships, preventing her from expressing her own needs and desires.

Mark’s reformulation involved uncovering the roots of his self-reliance and emotional distance. He began to see how his fear of vulnerability, born from his early experiences, had kept him isolated and disconnected from others. This realization was both painful and liberating, as it opened the door to change.

Reformulation is often an emotional process. It involves confronting painful truths and acknowledging the ways in which old scripts have held us back. But it’s also a process of empowerment, as it provides the insight needed to begin rewriting the script.

2. Recognition: Seeing the Script in Action

The recognition phase is about becoming aware of how the old script plays out in everyday life. This involves noticing the triggers that activate the script and the automatic responses that follow.

For Sarah, recognition meant becoming aware of the moments when she was about to slip into her peacemaker role—when she felt the urge to appease others at her own expense. With the help of her therapist, she began to notice these triggers and to question whether this response was truly serving her.

Mark’s recognition phase involved noticing the times when he would emotionally withdraw, especially when someone tried to get close to him. He began to see how his old script of self-reliance was keeping him from experiencing the closeness and intimacy he longed for.

Recognition is a powerful tool. By becoming aware of the script in action, clients can start to interrupt the automatic responses and choose new ways of interacting. It’s the first step toward breaking free from the old patterns and creating space for change.

3. Revision: Rewriting the Script

The final phase of CAT, revision, is where the real transformation happens. This phase is about developing and practicing new ways of relating that align with the client’s true needs and desires.

For Sarah, revision involved learning to assert her needs and set boundaries in her relationships. She practiced speaking up for herself, even when it felt uncomfortable, and discovered that doing so didn’t lead to the conflict she feared. Instead, it led to deeper, more authentic connections with others.

Mark’s revision focused on allowing himself to be vulnerable. With the support of his therapist, he began to open up emotionally in his relationships, sharing his fears and needs with those closest to him. This shift allowed Mark to experience the closeness he had always desired but had been too afraid to pursue.

Revision is not about making drastic changes overnight. It’s about making small, meaningful adjustments that gradually lead to a new, healthier script. As clients practice these new ways of relating, they begin to see the positive impact on their relationships and their sense of self.

The Emotional Impact of Rewriting Your Script

The process of rewriting the script of your relationships through CAT can be profoundly emotional. It’s a journey of healing old wounds, embracing vulnerability, and discovering new ways of being that are more aligned with who you truly are.

Rediscovering Your True Self: For Sarah, rewriting her script allowed her to rediscover her true self—the part of her that had been silenced by her role as the peacemaker. As she learned to assert her needs and express her desires, Sarah began to feel more connected to herself and more authentic in her relationships.

Embracing Vulnerability: For Mark, the process of opening up emotionally was both terrifying and liberating. As he allowed himself to be vulnerable, he experienced the intimacy and connection he had longed for but had always kept at arm’s length. This shift not only transformed his relationships but also deepened his sense of self-worth and security.

Creating Fulfilling Relationships: The ultimate goal of CAT is to create relationships that are fulfilling, supportive, and true to who you are. By rewriting the old script, clients can break free from the patterns that have kept them stuck and build relationships that are based on mutual respect, understanding, and love.


Cognitive Analytic Therapy offers a powerful path to rewriting the script of your relationships. Through the process of reformulation, recognition, and revision, CAT helps individuals understand the patterns that have shaped their interactions, break free from old, unhealthy scripts, and develop new, healthier ways of relating.

The emotional impact of this transformation is profound. By rewriting the script, individuals can rediscover their true selves, embrace vulnerability, and create relationships that are more authentic, fulfilling, and aligned with their deepest needs and desires. Whether you’re struggling with conflict, emotional distance, or a sense of disconnection in your relationships, CAT offers a path to healing and transformation—one that empowers you to write a new script for a more fulfilling and connected life.